Classic Legend 880D

Weitere Informationen

  • Preis: UVP 2.520,00 € in 1m
  • Eigenschaft: Digitalkabel
  • Detailinformationen: stehen im Downloadbereich zur Verfügung



Classic Legend 880D


Siltech’s Classic Legend digital cables are among the most precise 75, 100, and 110 ohm cables in the world. Because digital-to-analogue converters are sensitive to cable-induced jitter, ours are designed for superb jitter suppression, making for a cleaner and more musical sound. Relevant to note, Classic Legend 880D uses twice the conductor surface compared to Classic Legend 680D.

Classic Legend 880D is available in two versions:

  • 75 Ohm comes with BNC or RCA connectors
  • 110 Ohm meets the XLR AES-EBU standard


International Audio Holding

Edisonweg 8
6662 NW, Elst
The Netherlands

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