Weitere Informationen

  • Preis: UVP 52.000,00 €
  • Eigenschaft: Vorverstärker
  • Detailinformationen: stehen im Downloadbereich zur Verfügung
The Preamplifier Revolution

For the control center of Esoteric’s flagship Grandioso X edition, our engineers looked ahead to what lies beyond what a preamplifier should be.
In order to surpass the Grandioso C1, winner of countless awards following its 2014 introduction, we set out to thoroughly reimagine the volume control system – often considered to be the fundamental core of a preamplifier – thereby dramatically improving its precision and clarity of sound to become the standard for a new era.
Esoteric’s accumulated engineering knowledge and expertise was focused on the creation of a new preamplifier that meets the desires of the consummate audiophile.
– The new Grandioso C1X



Esoteric Company
47 Ochiai 1-chome, Tama-shi
Tokyo 206-8530

EU Kontakt:

Aqipa GmbH
Möslbichl 78
A-6250 Kundl

Telefon: +43 (0)5332 / 72300-0
Fax: +43 (0)5332 / 72300-300
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Mehr in dieser Kategorie: GRANDIOSO C1X solo »
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