
Weitere Informationen

  • Preis: UVP 20.000,00 €
  • Eigenschaft: Vollverstärker
  • Detailinformationen: stehen im Downloadbereich zur Verfügung
  • Gewicht: 32,4kg
  • Abmessung (HBT): 191x445x471mm
  • Dauer-Ausgangsleistung: 120W + 120W (8Ω)




The F-02 has been significantly upgraded from the previous F Series in terms of both functionality and sound quality, incorporating a number of new technologies from the development of the flagship Grandioso C1X preamplifier. The large-scale, balanced dual mono preamp comparable to a separate preamp, comes standard with three ES-Link Analog inputs that allow our proprietary current-based signal input from the Esoteric K/N Series digital source players for a live listening experience as if monitored directly from a recording studio analog console. The new F Series also features a unique "Ultra Fidelity Attenuator System", and the power supply section of the preamplifier has been further upgraded. Other key preamp features include a fully balanced headphone amplifier, dual mono phonostage preamp, and a high-quality 3-band balanced tone control.

The F-02 can also be expanded into a multi-amplifier system by connecting the S-05 power amplifier to the ES-Link Analog pre-outs. For even higher sound quality, an optional PS-01F external power supply dedicated to the preamp (to be announced) can be connected. This unique design, which seems to contradict the integrated concept, is a testament to the F-02's high expandability and is the best proof that the built-in fully balanced dual mono preamp is designed with an uncompromising emphasis on quality.



Esoteric Company
47 Ochiai 1-chome, Tama-shi
Tokyo 206-8530


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Mehr in dieser Kategorie: « F-01 PS-01F »
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