S-05 Empfehlung

Weitere Informationen

  • Preis: UVP 15.000,00 €
  • Gerätestatus: Vorführbereit
  • Eigenschaft: Class A- Stereo Endstufe
  • Detailinformationen: stehen im Downloadbereich zur Verfügung
  • Frequenzgang: 5Hz to 100kHz (+0dB, –3dB, 8Ω)
  • Gewicht: 30,7 kg
  • Abmessung (HBT): 445x191x444mm
  • Ausführung: Schwarz und Silber
  • Dauer-Ausgangsleistung: 30W + 30W (8Ω, Class-A) 60W + 60W (4Ω) 120W (BTL mode, 8Ω)
  • Eingänge: ESL-A 1x , XLR 1x ,RCA1x

Witness the birth of an all-new stereo power amplifier,
borrowing from the engineering techniques
utilized in our flagship Grandioso M1X mono block.

The new S-05 – a class-A power amplifier thoroughly
focused on delivering all of music’s unique tonal qualities
from a more compact stereo configuration,
embracing the philosophy of the Grandioso M1X:

“minimal circuitry – maximum output”.

Key Features
  • Lavish material employment, simple and straight circuit design concept borrowed from the Grandioso M1X
  • Finely detailed Class-A sound with super dynamics – an Esoteric’s signature tone
  • Dual monaural construction in all stages including current smoothing circuit for better channel separation
  • Esoteric’s proprietary current signal transmission, “ES-Link Analog” delivers music signal with exceptional high power and fidelity.
  • High capacity bi-polar 3 parallel push/pull circuit that instantaneously responds to the music signal
  • 940VA large EI-core power transformer that responds to dynamic current supply changes with high speed
  • Large “Grandioso grade” custom capacitors on each channel (10,000μF × 4/ch)
  • Balanced input amplifier for stable, noise-free signal transmission
  • BTL / Bi-amp mode switch for dual amplifier configuration
  • DC Trigger for sequential power ON/OFF with the N-05XD
  • Esoteric’s unique isolation feet and semi-floating top panel
  • Unique shaped heat-sink to minimize its own peak resonance


Esoteric Company
47 Ochiai 1-chome, Tama-shi
Tokyo 206-8530


EU Kontakt:

Aqipa GmbH
Möslbichl 78
A-6250 Kundl

Telefon: +43 (0)5332 / 72300-0
Fax: +43 (0)5332 / 72300-300
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Internet: www.aqipa.com


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