Classic Legend 880 Network

Weitere Informationen

  • Preis: UVP 1.920,00 € in 1m
  • Eigenschaft: Netzwerkkabel
  • Detailinformationen: stehen im Downloadbereich zur Verfügung





Classic Legend 880 Network


This cable uses Siltech’s superb G9 silver-gold alloy to deliver an excellent performance. The cable is terminated with fully shielded high-end RJ-45 connectors.

The Classic Legend cables are designed for people who demand an excellent performance-to-price ratio. This is possible thanks to the combination of Siltech’s superb G9 silver-gold alloy metallurgy, and a class-leading insulation and shielding package using top-quality materials. It is the result of four decades of research into cable design, honed by exhaustive measurements, testing, and auditioning.

The latest in a long line of Classic cables stretching back thirty years, Classic Legend boasts vanishingly low distortion and exceptional interference rejection considering its accessible price. It’s this combination of superconductivity and relative immunity to electrical and mechanical noise that makes it sound so special.

Classic Legend 880 network cable uses our proprietary G9 silver-gold alloy and is not only faster, but also sounds better than our current Classic Legend network cable. With its 1000 Mbps speed it offers full streaming capabilities.



International Audio Holding

Edisonweg 8
6662 NW, Elst
The Netherlands

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